Cold Weather Warms the Soul


The winter fog settles on the sleepy street… The only thing louder than my heartbeat is the sound of silence… And the occasional cats meow… With a steady pace I cut through the fog… Rain drops fall so I start to jog… Through a puddle I feel the cold… Soggy bottoms but a warming soul… Soon my socks are making sounds… Hop along and skip around… December weather urban splendor… Midnight visions spiritually render…

Looking at these midnight sights… Orange glow from the street lights… Tonight the clouds must be especially sleepy… Purposely making the world look creepy… Stuck to the ground… Not making a sound… A slight breeze smells of the snow… Cutting through the rain shower I go… Cutting through the air… And cutting through my mind…

Urban life is really something special… Wildlife and those living the wild life… Friendly folks and mean… Even the occasional obscene… Houses packed like books on a shelf… Side by side… Like volumes in a series… Each one is similar… But completely different…

Many of us go for months… Without actually touching the Earth… We drive on roads… And we walk on sidewalks… But our feet never actually touch the ground… Like at some point it became taboo to do…

Put your feet on the Earth… Bury your seeds in the ground… Harvest your veggies… And pass them around…

plant petunias and question everything – chriscondello

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

10 thoughts on “Cold Weather Warms the Soul

  1. randomrose says:

    So enjoyed reading this piece particularly … Urban life is really something special… Wildlife and those living the wild life… Friendly folks and mean.., Even the occasional obscene… Houses packed like books on a shelf… Side by side… Like volumes in a series… Each one is similar… But completely different…
    That is a gem of writing.


  2. evolution says:

    I went barefoot in The Scottish highlands for two weeks straight after at least a year surrounded by concrete. It transforms, should not be underestimated! As always, great post.


  3. ‘not touching the ground … ‘ This is exactly why I moved to the countryside. So I could actually walk on Earth.


  4. C.Condello says:

    I pushed the wrong button again… Accidental publish… Damn…


    • yellopig says:

      Heh! We like it anyway.
      It’s been a dreary, drizzly, chilly day here too, so this hit home.


    • budgiebuddy says:

      A happy accident! I loved it. Especially this:
      “Many of us go for months… Without actually touching the Earth… We drive on roads… And we walk on sidewalks… But our feet never actually touch the ground… Like at some point it became taboo to do…”
      I was thinking about this to myself the other day. We really don’t walk on the naked Earth anymore. Beautiful thoughts, Chris. xx


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