Community Outreach -The Public is the Number One Enemy


“Beauty and the Beast” – Wilkinsburg, PA

The following poem was written about one year ago… It was written during an event that occurred on my street in Wilkinsburg… This event was the ultimate reason my wife and I decided to move out of Wilkinsburg… CBS WTAE – The following poem is dedicated to the memory of Bruce Kelly Jr. – I do not believe he deserved to die… I think it is sad that 24 highly trained police officers could not subdue a drunk man with a knife…

I am scared… Scared of the community I live in…

Not for the crime… The thugs drugs or gangs…
Not for the fact that a black bandana hangs…
Off the face of a young man… Inner city common unity…
The colors of my neighborhood… A forgotten community…

I dream of death and destruction… I dream of violent scenes…
Gun shots and crack rocks are the subject of ghetto dreams…
Abandoned homes like leaning gravestones… Waiting to be sold…
Outnumbering the homeless who are sleeping in the cold…

I am scared of a thin blue line… Thugs with authority…
Thugs that hate the general public and are willing to kill a minority…
Urban blight is a product of officially shunning gumption……
The goal is to board up enough to dilute the real corruption…

We are all enemies of the state… We are on the wrong side of the line…
We all share in the fact that our lives are worth less than a k9…
The first amendment is a joke… We only have rights in silence…
To open your mouth is nothing more than an invite to violence…

Police station threshold is where the daily war begins…
Inside the temple the soldiers discuss their win… The war against us…
The war against the general public… Public enemy number one…
Your money paid for the bullet that killed you… It even paid for the gun…

plant petunias and question everything – chriscondello



“Green Fields” – The Barn at Soergel Hollow – Evans City, PA – This photograph was taken the week my wife and I were watching our friends farm… It was also the week we decided to get married… Also the place where we got married…

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

2 thoughts on “Community Outreach -The Public is the Number One Enemy

  1. harriet stein says:

    heartfelt and powerful .  Petunia  From: chriscondello To: Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 5:58 PM Subject: [New post] Community Outreach -The Public is the Number One Enemy #yiv5398876018 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv5398876018 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv5398876018 a.yiv5398876018primaryactionlink:link, #yiv5398876018 a.yiv5398876018primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv5398876018 a.yiv5398876018primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv5398876018 a.yiv5398876018primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv5398876018 | C.Condello posted: “The following poem was written about one year ago… It was written during an event that occurred on my street in Wilkinsburg… This event was the ultimate reason my wife and I decided to move out of Wilkinsburg… CBS WTAE – The following poem” | |


  2. Vicki says:

    It’s a sad world we live in when we don’t feel safe in our own community, but perhaps moving to a peaceful haven in the country was meant to be for you and your wife.

    After a mentally deranged man drove a car through Melbourne’s (Australia) main shopping mall the other week killing and critically injuring many people, I must admit to feeling a little apprehensive in the city on Wednesday this week. Several times I looked around and behind me (despite the fact it was a ‘once off’ incident and not a terrorist attack).


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