A Plant A Day Till Spring – Day 32 – Purslane


“Pink Purslane” – Summer 2013 – Whitney Avenue – Wilkinsburg, PA

“A Plant a Day till Spring” will highlight one plant a day, starting on the winter solstice (December 21, 2013)… And ending on the vernal equinox (March 20, 2014)… If all goes to plan I will be starting with old Snowdrop photos from 2013… And ending with new photos of Snowdrops in 2014…

7 Days till 2 Years – Waiting for a Season

Good morning… In the cold snow I write this post…
Winter winds are whipping about…
Although my body is cold…
My soul is warm…
My heart is in the right place…
Right here… Right now…
With you…
Dreaming of the Summer…
Warm skies and vibrant life…
Reds and yellows… Purple and Blue…
Honeysuckle and the smell of dew…
Life is good when I’m with you…

Life is Good…


“Yellow Purslane” – Summer 2013 – Whitney Avenue – Wilkinsburg, PA

Here in Pittsburgh, PA… The Purslane that grows… Although edible… Is actually considered a weed… The peppery tasting leaves are considered food by many… And although I don’t mind the taste… I personally would consider this plant “fodder” as opposed to food…

Given the fact that I have long considered this plant a weed… Imagine my surprise when I saw these beautifully flowering Purslane at the greenhouse last year… I had to have a few… Interestingly… The leaves of the large flowering variety have almost no taste… While our wild variety has a pretty intense flavor… The reasoning for this is they were not selected for taste… They were selected for flowers…

The flowers of this variety closely resemble those of “moss rose”… They are both in the Portulaca family… And they both share many of the same common names… Coincidence? I doubt…

plant petunias and question everything – chriscondello

If you want some science stuff…
The native variety – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portulaca_oleracea
The fancy variety – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portulaca_grandiflora

New To writing and never had to cite sources before… These “Plant a Day Till Spring” posts are simply intended to kill time until spring when I start writing more… My source (where applicable) is Wikipedia.org… The photography is all my own… And I am adding my own information…

This website and all of the information presented within is provided free by the author… Me… It is my sole opinion and is not representative of anyone other than myself… Although this website is free… I sell prints of my photography here – www.society6.com/chriscondello – or you can contact me directly with questions at – c.condello@hotmail.com – Although it isn’t a requirement… It helps…

Remember to tip… My Bitcoin digital wallet address is – 1JsKwa3vYgy4LZjNk4YmPEHFJNjPt2wDJj

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